How domestic excavator agents face current low prices

How domestic excavator agents face current low prices As many domestic brand agents have grown up in the fast-growing environment of the market, they have not received the test and baptism of adversity. Under the predicament of this so-called “downturn” in the market, many of our domestic brands excavator agents In the face of reality and the future, I feel a lot of anxiety and worry, mainly in the following aspects.

Confused about the prospects of the industry. In the short term, the outlook for the industry is not optimistic. In the long term, the industry outlook is uncertain;

Suspicion of manufacturer's capabilities, doubts about the ability of domestic brand manufacturers to control the market and market support ability to continue to lead agents forward;

Sales increase is slow, even in many places;

The difficulty of control of creditor's rights has increased, the risk of creditor's rights has gradually become prominent, and cash flow has been in crisis;

The company's operating costs remain high, and financial costs are getting higher and higher;

The team's morale was unstable and the core backbone was shaken.

Although the reasons for the above anxiety and fears are many, the most central issue is that our sales growth has been slow and even continued to decline in the existing market environment, which has led to a chain reaction and other problems and concerns.

Reasons why agents are not strong enough, then what are the reasons that cause domestic brand agents to feel lack of stamina and even worry about market share decline? I believe there are several main reasons.

The rapid growth of domestic brands in the past three years is mainly based on the rapid growth of the market. In the period of strong market demand, as long as the agents have the courage and boldness to dare to increase the number of people, cars, outlets and business conditions, even if the personal sales ability and the company's control and control capabilities are poor, there will be sales growth, high sales cover up a lot The lack of overall marketing capabilities of agents and the lack of corporate governance mechanisms.

The customary market environment has disappeared. With the reduction of the amount of work in the current market, the number of new customers has been significantly reduced. On the other hand, the structure of the stock customers has also been quietly changing. Competition in the construction market has become increasingly fierce, and construction profits have been getting lower and lower, forcing new buyers to consider the input-output ratio of purchased equipment. The quality of domestic brands has become increasingly stable and the differentiation of products with joint-venture brands has become smaller. At the same time, due to the quality of service, speed, convenience of accessories, and diversity of business conditions, domestic brands have greatly improved. The point is that the proportion of existing domestic customers buying domestic brands has increased. The stock customers with a certain strength and relationship background have the possibility to purchase again, and general customers who do not have much strength or relationship background will not purchase again. The quality of repurchased customers is relatively higher than before May 2011.

The market environment has changed, and many domestic brand agents are still accustomed to the old one and have not changed with it. Or previous customer target orientation, or use the previous method of market development, sales promotion, the existing customers in the market, have not developed before, or not to develop, but due to the reduction of market engineering or delay construction, stop construction, effective Demand information naturally decreases.

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