1. Simplify the calculation of the washing operation process. 1) The washed pulp and washing water are uniformly continuous in each washing;
2) the washed pulp and wash water are absolutely uniform in each wash;
3) In each solution washed out, the weight of the solid is regarded as zero;
4) The solid substance to be washed has no change in the grade during washing. If the solid substance changes greatly in the washing, another calculation can be made (such as the leaching rate or precipitation rate of mineral or Other elements in the washing).
2. Calculation formula
2) the washed pulp and wash water are absolutely uniform in each wash;
3) In each solution washed out, the weight of the solid is regarded as zero;
4) The solid substance to be washed has no change in the grade during washing. If the solid substance changes greatly in the washing, another calculation can be made (such as the leaching rate or precipitation rate of mineral or Other elements in the washing).
2. Calculation formula
After the β ΣW
ε wash = 1 - ——————
ΣW before β before
Solution of metal balance equation:
ΣW into β into = ΣW out β out
In the formula:
ε washing - washing rate (%);
After W - the amount of liquid in the product after washing (m 3 );
After β - the liquid grade of the product after washing (g / m 3 );
W into - the amount of liquid entering the operation (m 3 );
β 进 —the liquid grade (g/ m3 ) into the operation;
W out - the amount of liquid discharged from the operation (m 3 );
出出 ——The liquid grade discharged from the operation (g/ m3 );
3. Washing rate calculation of three-layer thickener Most of the gold mine cyanide plants use a three-layer thickener as the washing equipment. When calculating the washing rate of each layer, because the concentration of the upper and middle layers cannot be directly measured, each The amount of liquid entering and exiting the layer must be derived to be calculated.
ε washing - washing rate (%);
After W - the amount of liquid in the product after washing (m 3 );
After β - the liquid grade of the product after washing (g / m 3 );
W into - the amount of liquid entering the operation (m 3 );
β 进 —the liquid grade (g/ m3 ) into the operation;
W out - the amount of liquid discharged from the operation (m 3 );
出出 ——The liquid grade discharged from the operation (g/ m3 );
3. Washing rate calculation of three-layer thickener Most of the gold mine cyanide plants use a three-layer thickener as the washing equipment. When calculating the washing rate of each layer, because the concentration of the upper and middle layers cannot be directly measured, each The amount of liquid entering and exiting the layer must be derived to be calculated.

According to the metal balance and water balance, you can write:
W 1 β 1 + W 8 β 8 - W 11 β 11 W 1 β 1 + W 8 β 8 - Wβ III
β 3 = ———————————— = ————————————
W 1 + W 8 - W 11 W 1 + W 8 - W 11
W 3 = W 1 + W 8 - W 11
The same can be written:
W 7 = W 10 + W 11 - W 8
W 11 (β 11 - β 7 ) + W 8 (β 7 - β 8 )
W 10 = —————————————————
β 7 - β 10
W 7 (β 7 - β 4 ) + W 10 (β 4 - β 10 )
W 6 = ——————————————————
β 4 - β 6
∵ β 6 =β 7
W 6 = ——————————————————
β 4 - β 6
∵ β 6 =β 7
W 10 (β 4 - β 10 )
∴ W 6 = ————————— - W 7
β 4 - β 10
W 4 =w 6 +w 7 -w 10
Calculation of washing rate of each layer of three-layer thickener:
W 3 β 3 W 3 β 3
= a ε ---- 100% = ----------- 100%
W 2 β 2 W 1 β 1 + W 6 β 6
= a ε ---- 100% = ----------- 100%
W 2 β 2 W 1 β 1 + W 6 β 6
W 6 β 6 W 6 β 6
In ε = --- = ----------- 100% 100%
W 5 β 5 W 4 β 4 + W 10 β 10
W 10 β 10 W 10 β 10
Under ε = ---- 100% = --------- 100 %
W 9 β 9 W 7 β 7 + W 8 β 8[next]
Under ε = ---- 100% = --------- 100 %
W 9 β 9 W 7 β 7 + W 8 β 8[next]
On ε, ε in [epsilon] is a measure of the effect of washing thickener layers, each layer representing recovered from the gold has been dissolved in the liquid entering the layer number of the solubilized gold ratio.
Since there is a series of countercurrent washing, there is a cycle of washing water between the layers, so the sum of the three layer washing rates is much larger than the total washing rate of the thickener.
The calculation formula for the working washing rate of the three-layer thickener is:
W 3 β 3 W 1 β 1 + W 8 β 8 - W 11 β 11 W 11 β 11
ε' = ——————— = ————————————— =1 - ————————
W 1 β 1 + W 8 β 8 W 1 β 1 + W 8 β 8 W 1 β 1 + W 8 β 8
ε' is the ratio of dissolved gold recovered from the three-layer thickener to the dissolved gold entering the operation. The working washing rate of each layer of the three-layer thickener is:
W 4 β 4
ε' above = 1 - ———————
W 1 β 1 + W 8 β 8
W 4 β 4 - W 7 β 7
ε '= in -------
W 1 β 1 + W 8 β 8
ε '= in -------
W 1 β 1 + W 8 β 8
W 7 β 7 - W 11 β 11
ε '= lower ---------
W 1 β 1 + W 8 β 8
ε '= lower ---------
W 1 β 1 + W 8 β 8
ε '= ε' on + ε 'in + ε' at
For the entire cyanidation process, the washing rate is the percentage of dissolved gold newly formed by cyanogenation by the dissolved gold recovered by the washing operation. If there is no metal ingress during the leaching process (no lean liquid returns to leaching), then:
Beta cyanogen -β cyanide residue
ε dip = ————————
Beta cyanogen
Beta cyanogen -beta cyanide
ε soak ε wash = ————————
Beta cyanogen
ε soak ε wash = ————————
Beta cyanogen
Beta cyanogen -β cyanide β cyanogen -β cyanide residue β cyanogen -β cyanide
ε wash = ——————÷———————— = —————————
Beta cyanide β cyanogen beta cyanogen -β cyanide residue
The w, β, and ε in the above formulas respectively represent the water amount, grade, and washing rate of the respective operations and products.
The beta cyanide tail is the gold grade of the direct drying test of the washed cyanide slurry, which includes the total amount of gold in the undissolved gold and the unwashed gold in the washing operation for the unit solid amount.
The essence of the mass quality process calculation is to calculate the unknown weight Q, the yield γ, the recovery rate ε and the grade β value according to the weight (or yield) balance of the incoming and outgoing products and the metal balance relationship according to each operation. Its calculation method is complicated by the increase in product and metal varieties.
Hangzhou Aoxin Culture Technology Co., Ltd. , https://www.aoxink.com