Yu Sili: "Ink attack" of Cooper tires

On Mondays, Que Li, general manager of Cooper Tire China, will appear on the management breakfast meeting on time, sharing the latest industry trends and corporate activities, and recommending a book every Monday. This has become part of Cooper Tire's "Morgan Management" model.

Nowadays, in the business world, “Confucian Business” has become a very fashionable title. Entrepreneurs also like to call themselves like this. However, Jusi Li likes people to call him “Mian Merchant”—the manager guided by Mozi’s thoughts. .

A bachelor's degree in business administration and a bachelor's degree in journalism and mass communications from Dullek University in the United States; a master's degree in research from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Market; and an awardee of the ACNielsen Scholarship, Miao Sili seems to be more receptive to Drucker and Peter? Lac and other Western management theories of the academics, but Zang Sili uses the Chinese Mohist culture to create a unique set of brand marketing concepts - "ink" marketing and team management. This is the key to victory for Cooper, a century-old American company that has traditionally integrated into the Chinese market.

Mozi is an activist and I am also

"In the ancient Chinese school, I discovered that only Mozi's doctrine is similar to the modern society and the idea of ​​modern enterprise management, and even some places exceed the western people's perception. The ancients left us with many good things. The United States West Point military school also The use of thirty-six counts as a classic example of a tactical class is a good proof.” Si Sili said.

When studying in the United States, Zang Sili was deeply attracted by a chance to contact the doctrines of the pre-Qin scholars. While studying Western market studies, he read through the works of the pre-Qin Zhuzi. "I found that Mozi is an action faction, and I, too, because of this common point, I became a fan of Mozi - ink fountain. There is a saying in English: Talk the talk, Walk the walk, actually, I wish I had been Follow this example of leading by example, down to the front line, close to the market." Xiaosi Li said with a smile, Mohism and business have a natural connection, we mentioned that successful entrepreneurs, he said that he is a business giant, "giant" this name is the source Since Mohist.

“People all think that Chinese market studies started very late. This is a misunderstanding.” Yu Sili paused and looked at me with his sharp eyes. The feeling of this conversation made me feel like a teacher in front of me. The elder brother, at the same time, has a magnetic field-like feeling that has attracted me to listen more intently. “The sons and daughters of the pre-Qin period contained many examples of marketing studies. Peasants traveled hundreds of countries and their doctrine books are like current project proposals. The book, or the current PPT, if the monarch accepts it, will seal the official and let them perform. So these tour scholars have become today's consulting experts, have the talent to solve problems for different agencies."

[next] Because of the different cultural backgrounds, the management thoughts of China and the West will surely be different, sometimes even diametrically opposite. For an international company manager, how can one unify his thoughts and be completely convinced? To my question on this issue, Zang Sili said that China’s indigenous management theory can be divided into Confucianism, law, ink, and Taoism. Although there are differences among the four families, overall, China modifies it with the moral teachings of the golden mean, advocates harmony, and is full of strong team spirit; while the West adopts a positive attitude and adjusts with the material incentives of competition. Natural selection, the survival of the fittest, reflects individualism everywhere. However, the combination of the two different management methods and marketing methods in China and the West is already a major trend of the world's enterprises. In this regard, Japanese companies are the best at the earliest. The success of Toyota and Panasonic is like this. Toyota's slogan is to build a car, but also to create man, Panasonic advocated creation before creating man. The humanistic management idea is derived from the core of Confucian thought of "benevolence and lover".

Yu Sili said: “In the pre-Qin philosophers, the management of Mohism has a very complete system, which is characterized by the emphasis on goal management, that is, it advocates management around a clear and reasonable goal. The meticulousness of Mohist’s management ideology can be Legalists drive together, but in terms of humanity, the Mohist ideology far exceeds that of legalists.The Mohist rangers can attack the city and defend the city. Mockers often have the eloquence of an orator and also have many unique secrets to defeat the enemy. In my opinion, they have two important qualities that modern managers should possess: extraordinary leadership and management innovation.

When asked whether an American brand such as Cooper Tire can accept Mohism-style marketing and management, Miao Sili said that Cooper tires have always attached great importance to localization in China. This can be seen from the bottom of the leadership of the entire Chinese team. . China's corporate and market environment is very special. The foreign management model is not bad, but companies that come to China will be dissatisfied with the situation. There is always a feeling of being overwhelmed by the use of boots. It is a consensus within Cooper's tires that it is better to manage companies in China or use Chinese people.

Caring Management and Non-offensive Marketing

Just like watching the Olympic Games and watching sports on TV, the atmosphere is all analog. You can never feel the charm of sports in front of TV. Management is also the same. Management thought is something like “sofa sports” that can only be felt in actual combat. Through many years of practice, Mou Sili has integrated Mozi's thoughts into his business ideas and proposed the "Love Management" and "Non-attack Marketing."

When talking about Cooper Tire's "community management", Si Sili said that "universal love" in Mozi's doctrine is one of the most important core issues. The foundation of "love" is an idea of ​​equality for all, which is the basis for the development of modern society and the basis for enterprise management. Companies with love as a cohesive force are much more stable than those with fear.

When he came to Cooper, Miao Sili introduced the concepts of perceptual services, rational assessment and human management. In the conversation, Zeng Sili repeatedly emphasized that the company is by no means a cold business. As he said, entering Cooper can feel a vibrant working atmosphere: there is no open office, and each employee has set up a jewelry that represents his own personality. , and this has virtually increased the relationship between everyone. He also emphasized the "brother" relationship between him and the company's internal employees and distributors. “There is an old Chinese saying that “Shi is dead for confidant.” We are pursuing the maximization of interests, but if it is only the interest relationship, the business will not last long.”

Of course, love is not unprincipled love. In the actual management, Miao Sili is "environmentalism and implementation." He also used the secret of more than doubling the performance of Haitian Netcom three years in the management of Cooper tires – quantifying and publicizing everyone’s achievements. “Everyone is above, and my results are also above. We are a unit. We are in a personal situation. We are at a glance. We speak personally with professionalism and professionalism.”

For non-offensive marketing, Miao Sili said: "Non-attack marketing is not a malicious attack on competitors. Cooper Tire is a company with a long history, but it is still just starting in China, the team is also very young, so our marketing It's like an antelope – an antelope in an elephant herd, a giant tire company is like an elephant, an elephant can run rampant, an antelope can fly and move, and we hope we can be more responsive and so our goal It's the specialist market that replaces tires. It's the special market. We'll plan the audience more precisely. This is the cooper way, the way of Cooper."

Tyres need to inject fresh elements

Tires are only cold, black and white industrial products in people's eyes, and Kesi thinks Cooper tires marketing should be more lively. He hopes to inject some fresh elements into the brand.

Earlier this year, Cooper Tire started the entertainment marketing program. The cross-border “marriage” of the tire industry and the entertainment industry, the selection of Xiao Songjia, one of the candidates for the “Environmental Protection Ambassador” of the international environmental protection organization, and the first person of the new generation of Chinese rock generation Xie Tianxiao as the main players, and the launch of China’s first environmental record, On the CD packaging design, exquisite bags replaced plastic and paper and other non-environmentally friendly raw materials, and invited the popular illustrator Zhang Ming to design a solid platinum environmental protection bag with the theme of “fat rabbit porridge porridge”. This move also resulted in Platinum's entertainment coordinates extend from the sound to the screen, aiming to enable the public to share the brand spirit and environmental protection concept of Cooper Tire in entertainment and music.

The Dean brand of Cooper Tire also joined the mainland's largest independent music company's 13th album to launch the North show season. It is also trying to integrate rock music and young people to inject Dean's passion into the market.

Miao Sili said: "My idea of ​​Cooper Tire Marketing is a full color world, just like the colorful Nike ID Studio running shoes I'm wearing right now, with respectability, personality and youth. Cooper Tire will be the car's Nike ID. Studio running shoes."

After approximately two hours of interviews were completed, Miao Sili flew to another city 2000 kilometers away for a meeting with dealers. It seems to be a bit of a hurry, but it is quite a bit of the slogan of "the hole is not warm, the ink suddenly does not touch."

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