The oil quality will change during use of different grades of lubricants. After the high-altitude vehicle runs a certain mileage, the performance will deteriorate, which may cause various problems for the engine. In order to avoid the occurrence of these failures, it should be combined with the conditions of use regularly to the upper air. The oil change of the work vehicle and the moderate amount of oil are generally good between the upper and lower limits of the oil gauge.
When the oil passes through the pores of the aerial working oil filter element, solid particles and viscous substances in the oil accumulate in the filter. If the filter is clogged, the oil cannot smoothly pass through the filter element, and the filter element can be swelled or the safety valve can be opened. The passage of the bypass valve still brings the dirt back to the lubrication area, which accelerates the wear of the engine and increases the internal pollution. Therefore, regular replacement of the oil filter is equally important.
The aerial vehicle manufacturer reminds: Do not add less oil, but do not add more, not more expensive brand-name synthetic oil is better, for your car's oil is the best.
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Shuyang County Huji town Desheng hydraulic machinery factory ,