2010 Hualing Heavy Trucks Challenges 30,000 Vehicles

In 2009, Hualing Heavy Truck produced and sold 18,000 vehicles, exceeding the 15,000 target set at the beginning of the year. Although compared with the top five companies, the number of 18,000 cars appears to be “stupid”, but if you compare with yourself, then look at the growth trajectory of the past few years, you may think that the future development of Valin is worth look forward to.

Bao Jianfeng from the grinding out

In 2004, Valin Automotive Group was formally established and Hualing heavy truck went into production. "After entering the market, Valin encountered many challenges and difficulties. I was once lost and had encountered many difficulties. In such a difficult period in 2005, Valin had a lot of bitter tears and also made arduous efforts." On January 19, at the 2010 Hualing Heavy Truck National Dealer Conference, Liu Hanru, chairman of Valin Electric, eagerly recalled the past.

With a short history of five years, Hualing has encountered two external crises. In 2004 and 2005, macro-control and over-loading caused the heavy-duty truck market to suffer heavy losses. It was hard to get breathless and hit the financial crisis in 2008, which made the heavy-duty truck market enter the winter quickly. Fortunately, in the face of these two difficulties, Valin survived. In particular, in 2005, when Hualing first entered the market, it encountered an off-season in the market, which was untimely, but then Hualing sold 3,152 heavy trucks. In 2006, 5,426 units were reached. In 2007, it was 11,233 units. In 2008, it was 12,828 units. In 2009, it was 18,271 units. It achieved annual growth rates that remained at double-digit levels, and even triple digits. In 2006, the growth rate of Hualing was 72.1%, which was 107% in 2007, 14.2% in 2008, and 42.43% in 2009, which not only surpassed the growth rate of the industry (17.71%), but also surpassed Shaanxi Auto and Beibei. And SAIC Iveco Hongyan and other companies are second only to Futian Auman (44%).

If it was said that in the year 2004, Hualing had just learned to climb, gradually learned to walk through the development of the past few years, and in 2009 Hualing began to run. In 2010, Hualing wants to run faster. At the business conference, Valin Marketing Director Wang Yanan announced the sales target of Hualing in 2010 - 30,000 units, which means that the increase of Hualing this year will reach 64.19%, which is far greater than the industry's expected 10%~20% . Liu Hanru believes that if Valin does not maintain faster growth than the industry, large companies will eat Hualing. This also explains on the other hand that it is because of the fact that Hualing is running faster than the industry in order to win time and space in the highly competitive heavy truck market.

Foundation strengthening guarantee across

Do not underestimate 30,000 vehicles. For heavy-duty truck companies, 30,000 vehicles are a very important Kaner. 30,000 vehicles means that the company already has scale advantages and ranks among the mainstream companies.

Therefore, the most pressing thing before Liu Hanru is currently is how to run faster in 2010. In 2009, Liu Hanru made three major events, which laid the foundation for Valin to win the 2010 market.

First of all, the self-production rate of products has been greatly improved, especially the smooth implementation of the Axle-Bridge project. "Commercial Automotive News" reporter saw at the business conference, whether it is Star Kemah, Hualing heavy truck or Valin Star, all matching Hualing homemade axle. The feedback from the market was also good. A dealer who carefully watched the prototype told reporters that the single-stage bridge and wheel-side reduction bridge produced by Hualing had already been recognized by users. Liu Hanru also said that Hualing Axle is forming a brand influence, which will have a great effect on the sales of Valin dump trucks. What's more, Valin no longer has to suffer from the supply of axles when resources are tight. "In the past few years, we missed several opportunities because of resources."

For engines and transmissions, Liu Hanru did not worry too much. “Hua Ling has a supporting relationship with a number of engine companies. The current production capacity of Fast can also satisfy the requirements of Hualing.”

Second, the bottleneck of production capacity was basically eliminated. This is not only due to the expansion of production capacity, but also the improvement of efficiency brought about by the improvement of management capabilities. On December 26, 2009, Valin laid 30,000 heavy-duty trucks to lay the foundation. This is not only to prepare for the 40,000 targets in 2011. Liu Hanru has even greater ambitions to ensure hardware protection for the top five players in the industry.

In 2009, Hualing set out to solve the problem of logistics and distribution. “Valin began implementing logistics supply solutions in 2007 and 2008, solved logistics problems, and can now easily achieve Nissan's 100 vehicles,” Liu Hanru said.

Since 2010, Valin's distribution network will use the DMS system in its entirety. The purpose is to use the information system to manage the entire sales process and improve the ability to quickly respond to the market. Liu Hanru reminded that DMS system will bring inconvenience and not used in the early stage, but will bring benefits to everyone later. In 2010, Valin's average lead time will not exceed 10 days and will not exceed 15 days. The shortening of the delivery cycle benefits the dealers.

Thirdly, at the end of 2009, the commercial vehicle industry caused the attention of major brokerages and investors. It was the reorganization of Xingma and Hualing. For Valin, the biggest advantage is the realization of indirect listing, which can be raised in a variety of ways in the capital market. After the reorganization, Valin “was not bad money”, and reorganization of the capital market on the day of the Star Horse's pursuit of continuous multiple daily limit board also shows this.

Good products make dealers full of confidence

Liu Hanru’s confidence in the goal of completing 30,000 vehicles in 2010 is very confident. The team he leads is also very confident. When the reporter asked dealers in different regions, the answer was equally confident.

Lu Zhe, deputy general manager of Dasheng Lusheng Automobile Co., Ltd., Datong, Shanxi, said: Although sales in Shanxi market fell sharply due to various factors in 2009, there have been signs of improvement recently. In December 2009, 30 vehicles were signed. List. “The market is improving and the quality of Valin products is also very good, so I am confident that 2010 Hualing will reach 30,000.” A sales manager of Guangxi Quzhou Kaifeng Automobile Trading Co., Ltd. told reporters that although he was in 2009, The number of Hualing vehicles sold was only 30, but in 2010 he intends to sell 100 vehicles. Some dealers also sold 200 vehicles last year and are confident that they will rush to 1,000 vehicles this year.

Confidence comes from Valin products. In the interview, the dealers all mentioned that the quality of Hualing heavy trucks is good. Mitsubishi's technological know-how, combined with technological improvements and innovations in the use of heavy trucks in China, and flexible matching options have made the price of Valin's products slightly higher than similar products, but users are “buying”. Like the engine, Valin offers a variety of options, including Cummins, Weichai, Shanghai Hino, Shangchai, Yuchai, and Shang Feihong CURSOR9.

In 2010, the wings of Valin Star Kema and Valin Star made it more powerful for distributors to complete their missions. Star Kemah, which was listed on the market in May 2009, has gradually gained recognition from the market after its interiors, wiring harnesses, and headlights were improved, with sales reaching 1,000 units. This Liu Hanru put all the net worth of products, after more than a year of exploring the road, the sales volume in 2010 will reach 2,000 vehicles. The Valin Star, with its lightweight advantage, sold more than 3,000 vehicles in batches in 2009. The industry generally believes that light weight, fuel-efficient products will be favored by users in 2010, especially the logistics vehicle market. Therefore, in 2010 it will be a great weapon to help Valin up. (Editor: Li Jing)

Barricades are obstacles that block road traffic. They can refer to barriers used as fences during road construction, oil pressure security barricades to prevent terrorist attacks outside important building doors, or roadblocks temporarily constructed by demonstrators during large-scale demonstrations.
The use of barricades may have originated from the turbulent Paris of the 16th century. Under the rule of King Henry III, the lives of the French people were hard. The supporters of the Duke of Guise took to the streets on May 12, 1588, and built roadblocks , History called "First Day of the Barricades". For the next two centuries, roadblocks played an extremely important role in major social movements in France.
Rejection is a type of motorized roadblock. In ancient China, setting up long guns or matching wooden poles to create obstacles to defend against the attack of enemy cavalry is called "rejecting carbines". The three intersecting and intersecting, fixed with iron as the "distant gu solid refusal carbine". A large wooden bar, with different lengths of wood, wears nine to ten iron guns, which is called a "close guard antler". Similar fortifications exist in the West.
Modern refusal horses are instead composed of iron frames and barbed wire, so it is also called "iron refusal horses" and has a wider range of uses. In addition to its military use, it will also be used in the riot operation. It has the effect of isolating and blocking people and vehicles. In addition, some modern horse-rejecting horses are also designed with walking wheels and strong maneuverability, which can be completed in a short time by 2 to 4 people. However, due to its light weight, short piles are sometimes added to the ground.

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